Sunday 5 October 2014

Marathon No.100 - Chester Marathon

POSE on the Chester Chronicle Online Website
Chester Marathon

My 100th Marathon..... What can I say??????? Being treated like a celebrity ~ Loved every moment of it.

I didn’t really get much sleep the night before. I was all nervous and excited about my major milestone. It was going to be the 100th time I would have crossed that finish line and it was now up to me to get on with it and just to finish at whatever time it would take me to complete all 26.2 Miles. Of course, I had the extra pressure this time round  of having a bunch of family and friends waiting for me to finish at the Finish line and also some important officials to present me with my medal. So even the celebrity I was keen to maintain my slick no sweat running look (anyone remember the ridiculously photogenic guy running the marathon, well I was gonna give him a run for his money!) either that / or just gross everyone out. 
We arrived in good time at the start Chester race course and were shown where to park by helpful marshals. The athletes village had different stalls and advice stations all within an easy walk. Plenty of clean toilets were also available as well as portaloos. This day felt very surreal, this is the day I've been busting my gut for, all those many thousands of miles ran over the years and memories all swept over me as I stared across at the Start line.

I had the Chester Chronicle News & Official Race Photographers waiting for me at 8.45am right at the start line. They were pretty amazed at my achievement and were congratulating me. It's quite strange but over the years I've not fully grasped what I have achieved; it has become a way of life for me, almost like going shopping on a weekend but today with the paparazzi all gathered around me, it began to sink in. I had achieved quite a feat and they were helping me realise the significance of it all. Running a 100 marathons was something I would have never have thought possible when I first set out to run a marathon. This is what curiosity leads to!

I heard my name being called out on the loud speaker before the start of the marathon ‘So Mei Chan running her 100th Marathon today. What an adrenaline boost that was! He continued over the air "She started running at the age of 30 and ran her first marathon in New York – 100 Marthons – Bonkers!". Yes complete bonkers that I was being celebrated here for my achievement, what a memorable moment that was! I still remember that  first marathon, how time passes and how amazing running is that it keeps you young, healthy and active. I stood there for a moment and reflected on how a twist of fate had turned me into a runner. Who would have thought, me a runner!   Life choices often lead to moments like this, great moments, memorable times!

Official Chester Marathon Photographer

Photographer from the Chester Chronicles

The race started and finished at Chester Racecourse, passing through the Town Hall, Cathedral, split level Middle Ages 'Rows', Eastgate Clock and through the Roman Walls before heading into the Cheshire and North Wales countryside.  There were plenty of supporters out at such an early morning start. The course consisted of 19 miles in England and 7 miles in Wales.

So the race started and I was running at a nice and easy pace throughout the first couple of miles ensuring I was not burning myself out too quickly.…. I bumped in to Tess at around Mile 5 (A friend I met at an ULTRA running event in 2013). I was telling her that I was expecting a call from the BBC Radio Merseyside in around 10-15 minutes time so had to keep an eye on time. We both crossed the 6 Mile mat together and some how I had lost her as I approached the next drink station. A few minutes before 10.30am (Just after Mile 9 my phone rang). I was asked to hold on the line as the presenters were playing a track and I would be passed over to live presenter of the station for the interview. I stood on the side of the pavement out of the other runners way. I think I must have been on hold for at least 2 minutes until I was finally put through. I was asked various questions on my challenge. I saw Paul Nicholls run past me and heard him shout at me to keep on going and forget about the phone interview  (I was trying to play catch up with him but never did see him again on the course – However, he did manage to finish in a PB time). The interview finally finished and I was all ready to goooooooooooo again!

The weather had been kind to us which I was so thankful of, not as hot as last year but just right for running.  I was flying throughout and was ahead of my 5 hour finish time. Hitting the Half Way mark at 2 Hours & 11 Minutes I was already heading to a PB time………. 

Adrenaline hit high and I was going for it! I took the positive and just kept on going. One girl running behind me tripped and fell (I could hear the runners all crowded around her). I couldn’t afford to stop. I just kept on running!

Running through Chester Town Centre

Elite Runner BAGGAGE Store
VIP Section

100 Marathon Cake - Made by Katherines friend - Ms Crumbs!

I started to in take the ‘Lucozade’ Gels they were distributing on the course. These really helped me when I ran Chester last year so in took the same again this year.
This was the second time i ran the MBNA Chester Marathon. Approx. 5,000 runners turned out for the race. I really enjoyed this marathon in every aspect including scenery, support and organisation. Prior to the race, the communication between myself and the race organisers was great, with plenty of emails in between my marathon running keeping them updated that Chester Marathon was still on schedule to be my 100th. I also kindly asked for my running bIb to be 100 and they were very helpful in getting this sorted with the printers. On the final run up to big day, i had also requested for a space located near the finish line for my 100th presentation as the 100 Club Marathon Chairman 'Traviss' and Ruth who'd both kindly accepted to do my presentation on this special momentous day.

Having crossed the ancient Roman bridge to return to England and the home stretch.  On re-entering the City, we passed next to the River Dee along the Groves which was a lovely area and full of supporters shouting our names ( runners had names on their numbers). We had a final stretch along Castle Drive before a triumphant grandstand finish at the racecourse! The finish was great, although running on grass at 26 miles was a bit tricky. 

The crowds were fantastic and once again my name was announced on the loud speaker as I was about to cross the finish line to be greeted by my family and friends taking photos and was  handed a can of refreshing Gin & Tonic from Emmett before heading to the V.I.P. area which was reserved for presentation at 1:45pm where Champagne and Cakes were served. The 100th cake was Vegan and made by my colleague (Katherine's friend 'Mrs. Crumb'.... So Mrs. Crumb if your reading this, just wanted to say Big'Thank You' for the cake - Everyone enjoyed it).

Traviss, Me & Rachel.... In my NEW Running KIT
                                                        The 100 Marathon Club MEDAL

With Honey Bunny - Jacky Mok!

Champagne/Cake Time.....................
Emotional Moments.... With Wona!

Refreshment Time................. With Rachel & Traviss

At the FINISH Line with Gin & Tonic  (Courtesy of Emmett)
Just about to cross the FINISH Line...................
Jacky waiting  at the FINISH Line.............

A few of the usual Suspects - Me, Kate, Emmett & Pam

                                                MEDAL Presentation Time

Presentation Time - With Traviss & Ruth

Finish Time :- 4 Hours, 32 Minutes & 11 Seconds
Chester Marathon FINISHER Medal

Split Times :-

10k – 00:59:18

20k – 02:03:57

HALF – 02:11:29
30K – 03:11:44
40K – 04:17:38
FINISH – 04:32:11

My time was 4.32.11 which I was happy with. Approx. a minute to a PB, but hey Ho I got to go on Live radio for the very first time on a marathon course. I ran so hard to push the pace, and even the 4:30 Hour pacer was ahead of me by a minute or two away. Two other gentlemen were also encouraging me on the final 2-3 miles, both were running their first marathon in Chester, so John & Richard if you're both reading this 'Thank You' for the encouragement in dragging me over those 2 final hilly beasts just before the finish line. I had absolutely no more reserved energy left in me at all! 

The medal and goodie bag was great and the technical long sleeved top was one of the best I have had after a race.  Overall the race was great, organisation, cheerful marshals and supporters, plenty of water and Lucozade sport (and just at the right distance apart, every 3 miles), good announcements at the start and finish, well marked by mile markers, and chip timing. 

Chester Marathon - I will be back!

*** Special 'Thank You' to all those family/friends/supporters that turned up for my 100th and to all those wonderful people that believed in me all the way. Especially those that have sponsored/donated towards my fundraising. Your all awesome!!