Sunday, 9 February 2014

Marathon Nos.68, 69, 70 & 71 - Buff Enigma Quadzilla

The 2014 Buff Enigma QUADZILLA Team!

Results :-

Day 1 - 05:30:38
Day 2 - 05:48:02
Day 3 - 05:52:38
Day 4 - 06:13:37

Running BiB 1

The moment had arrived, the Quadzilla I have been quietly treading was here. It's just about a week before the event and I'm feeling rather nervous and I'm panicking as this will be my first marathon after a month of rest - the last one I completed was the Portsmouth Marathon (23rd December 2013).

As many of you already know I don't normally run Marathons in January, I never have and never will.  January has always been my month off. A time to quietly vegetate with leftovers from Christmas - food and drinks.

So here it is the first day of the Quadzilla, all the first timers (Virgin Quads) runners were asked to register and collect their Bibs between 8 - 8.45am at Caldecotte Lake. Green Bib runners were told to head straight to Furtzon for the 9.30am start. 
The Quad was supposed to take place at Caldecotte Lake (7 lap course), but as we had bad weather warnings and floodings the previous days we were informed the race would be diverted to Furtzon Lake (17 lap course) instead.  I was adamant that the weather wasn't going to dampen my spirits and the change of location wasn't going to be a problem for me. I'm going to give it all I can so I was keeping up on the news feeds and mentally preparing myself for my biggest run challenge of 2014.

                                                             Heaps of Fruit Porridge


Pink FINISHERS Hoodie & 4 Medals for the 4 Days completed!

Day 1 
As the go went off... I started playing my music - 'Dizzy! Lets get Dizzyyyyy'  on my iPod. I was feeling a little dizzy with all the excitement so the song was suited to the occasion.

As I started the run I felt optimistic that I could complete all the marathons. I kept telling myself throughout the run that it wasn't as hard as I had thought it would.. I found counting to 100 helped me remain focused, as I was reaching breaking point but the counting was keeping my mind on track. It's hard not to let your mind wonder off about the other marathons left to do, this can really lower your motivation to complete the whole Quadzilla so I was desperately trying to distract myself.

 It was cold, I had my hand warmers inside both my gloves and my black hat on for all 4 days. On the first 3 days I wore knee length shorts, my legs didn't feel cold, but the horrendous winds did cause dry cracked skin on my legs. I'll have to book into a spa treatment when I get back home. I know, right, any excuse for pampering!

The weather was awful after the first 3 laps in to the run and I was lucky I had my wind/waterproof jacket with me... The winds were so strong at times that I felt I could be blown off my feet.  But mind you there were times during the run, I felt like I was being carried towards the finishing line - is that cheating?  I would have to say my hair looked a right state, it was blown all over the place. To make matters worse there were 2 slight puddles around the lake, and evidently I had to run right through them and get my trainers soaked in muddy water- such fun! It's times like these that I realise that I love running because it brings out the carefree nature in me and it allows me to look an absolute mess and feel normal about it.

Overall the day was a success and I managed to finish in the time of 05:30:38.

Day 2
It was a very cold morning which soon warmed up and brightened up during the day. We were very lucky we saw the sun today and I was very relieved. A few of the runners were stuck in traffic in the morning but that did not stop the race from going ahead. The late runners had their times started at the same time as the official start at 9:30am.....

Legs felt stronger  today than yesterday. I guess I was just warming up and was now feeling the excitement at completing the second run with no injury.

The day was a success and I managed to finish in the time of  05:48:02.

Day 3
The race started off with dry weather until we got in to a few laps it had started to rain very heavily and gusts of winds were blowing us all over the place. It was so hard to get through the end, and hair looked even worse today!

Today was an emotional one for me, I started to cry at the finish. There are some days I feel like this and today was one of them days. Thanks to Karen & Foxy for hugs at finish!

The day was a success and I managed to finish in the time of 05:52:38.

Day 4
Last and final day.  It was slightly rainy and not too warm. I'd made sure i had enough layers on me to keep me warm throughout. The aim of the day was to finish and complete my first Quadzilla in whatever time it'd take.   I had had a warm breakfast and had three marathons behind me in three days so I was feeling very confident I could finish my challenge. I was keeping a steady pace throughout.
All went well until towards the last stretch of the final lap I had felt a sharp object inside the sole of my right running shoes. It felt like a sharp needle. I grabbed hold of the black rail at the final bridge and slowly took my shoe off, turned it upside down (half expecting a spike to full out of it). It always amazes me how a small object in your shoe can cause so much pain and it's never as big as you'd expect it to be. I quickly placed my trainer on and continued to sprint along the path on to the finish line where my medal and pink hoodie was awaiting  me.  I can't tell you how relieved I was to see that finishing line. What a run and what a challenge!
The final day was a success and my mission to complete my first Quad was completed.  Day 4 was completed in  the time 06:13:37. Yahhoooo....

'I survived the Enigma Quazzilla - 4 Marathons in 4 Days'
4 Medals for the 4 Marathons completed in 4 Days!

The Baggage Tent

TWO more LAPS to go................ YaY!!

Marshalls..... Standing in the freezing cold!

Nuts & Home Made Cookies

Jaffa Cakes

Jelly Babies

Bottled Waters

Start of the FINAL Day - Lesley, Me, Maria, Jacqueline, Shazz, Emily, Davey, Weedy & Katie!

Photo courtesy of 'Claire Baldock Photography' - Thanks Claire XxX

Feeling the pain!

Very WINDY............ Getting blown away!


The part of the course they call 'The RAMP' - Be careful!

Muddy and Wet paths!

Me, Lesley & Davey.....

Shazz & Me (FINAL day)

Me and Emily (FINAL Day)

RD Karen Webber and Me (After completing Day 3)

My Feets looking MUDDY after 4th day of running round FURZTON Lake....

Swollen and Blistered Toes - Ouch!!

Whether I'll do the Quazilla again...  we'll see!